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My post on Dancing With the Stars message board
Posted by jpbdance
6/22/2005  9:33:00 PM
Below is the paste of the subject line and text for my quick post to the ABD Dancing With the Stars message board. I hope others who read this message board would support the sentiment set forth in this posting.

Dance steps that are done by you and me
replyPosted: Jun 22 @ 07:35 PM
by: jimpenb (1 Posts in the last 90 days) Registered: Jun 22, 2005
I'd like to see the dances done with steps that are readily recognized as representing a particular dance -- and that persons like you and me can/could do. A major part of each dance would be showing mastery of the basic steps. Then each couple could add one or two more advanced/compled steps (as presented, for example, on BallroomDancers.com) -- so long as the these variations were readily recognizable. THis would retain the entertainment appeal of the show as at present while encouraging ballroom dancing by viewers. Perhaps then the next variation of this show could be newcomvers to ballroom dance dancing who progressed well competing with Stars as partners. National participation in ballroom dancing would be a great result for this show. .

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